Ateliers Urbains

Launched in 2010, Ateliers Urbains is a video project whereby the inhabitants of Brussels are given an opportunity to talk about urban issues during video workshops in the city's districts, neighbourhoods and streets.

Today, there are more and more conferences on sustainable cities, cities on a human scale, connected cities and cities protesting against economically-driven globalisation. Protests have recently taken place in public spaces in Cairo, Paris, Istanbul and Washington, making them places where History is made.

In an urbanised world, Brussels has forged its own identity as a city: as a social and cultural melting pot, the city is surprising; economically segmented, its population suffers from serious issues of exclusion and discrimination; with two official languages, it harbours invisible borders; and administratively complex, it is a web that no one really knows how to untangle. Ateliers Urbains sets up video workshops in the different districts, using image as tool to try to reveal these multiple realities and their contradictions. The project, which mixes expression, critical analysis, denunciation and inventiveness, is now a reference for collectives in Brussels, but also abroad. So far, 15 productions have explored seven municipalities. Choosing a location for a workshop is a process which starts with a request made by a group of inhabitants. This request is then supported by others, including those in charge of the project at the CVB. The city map is also a deciding factor in this process.

An urban workshop is quite a long project, lasting between six months and a year. The main stages are:

  • forming the group,

  • meeting each other and building a collective spirit,

  • listening to individual voices,

  • creating a collective voice,

  • transposing the voice into audiovisual and cinematographic language,

  • preparing for screening,

  • screening.

Ateliers Urbains


Actualités liées

ATELIERS URBAINS #17 - Places nettes > à revoir gratuitement !

Collectif d'habitant·es
2019 85'
Ateliers Urbains
« Un film qui parle d’espaces publics, de changements de population et de commerce, de sans-abrisme, de violences policières. Un film qui expose avec humanité et intelligence le point de vue d’habitant·e·s attaché·e·s à leurs espaces de vie. Un film qui parle de Saint-Gilles, mais dont la portée, à l’heure du marketing urbain, dépasse la petite commune.» Inter-Environnement Bruxelles - IEB

ATELIERS URBAINS #13 - Nuit et jour à Saint-Géry > à revoir gratuitement !

Comité Quartier Saint-GéryCollectif d'habitant·es
2017 42'
Ateliers Urbains
Les riverains de Saint-Géry, haut lieu de la vie nocturne bruxelloise, tentent d'alerter sur le bruit et les nuisances qu’ils subissent au quotidien.

Ateliers Urbains #12 - Le parti du rêve de logement > à (re)voir gratuitement !

Ateliers UrbainsCollectif d'habitant·es
2016 65'
Ateliers UrbainsCollective film
Fouta, Rahim, Gloria et Yacine ont quitté leur ville natale en Belgique ou leur pays d’origine, à la recherche d’un logement. Arrivés à Bruxelles, ils ne rencontrent que refus, humiliations et escroqueries. Ils ont alors l’idée de créer ensemble un parti politique pour défendre leurs propres solutions : le parti du rêve de logement !

Un fado pour flagey

Flagey Atelier VidéoCollectif d'habitant·es
2010 62'
Ateliers UrbainsCollective film

Entamé en 2010, "Ateliers Urbains" donnent la parole aux Bruxellois.e.s et poussent la réflexion critique sur territoires, quartiers et rues de la Cité au travers d'ateliers vidéo.

