When I was younger, I hated my body as much as I was obsessed by images of "Nature". On the one hand, I told myself they were sublime, and that's why they existed, and on the other, I felt that as a woman, if people didn't look at me, I'd disappear. The film runs around my character's experience. Initially fascinated by images, then by their bulimic production, my gaze changes, questioning myself and asking : why I made images of nature ?
A succession of sequences illustrating various forms of representation of nature, such as wildlife films, Natural parks and zoos, are set in motion around my personal experience as a wildlife filmmaker,visual artist, ornithologist, woman and body.
Réalisation, Image & Son : Marion Guillard
Montage : Pauline Piris Nury & Lenka Fillnerova
Montage son & mixage : Maxime Thomas, Sébastien Van Dhelsen, Jeff Levillain
Enregistrement voix off : Lenka Fillnerova
Prise de son additionnelles voix off : Maxime Lombaerts
Etalonnage : Jean Minetto
Graphisme : Clément Hostein
Assistanat de production : Emma Faugeras, Marc Jottard
Administrateur de production : Saïdou Diallo
Responsable technique : Stephan Samyn
Producteurs délégués : Cyril Bibas (CVB), Stefanie Bodien (GSARA)
Production : Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles asbl – CVB (Michel Steyaert), GSARA (Renaud Bellen)
Avec l'aide du Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.