
The distribution of a film catalogue and finding the different audiences for each film is part and parcel of the creation process and filmmaking that is viewed as a call to action.

Filmmakers, collectives and associations who choose to work with the Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles (CVB) can count on two people working full-time. Depending on the objectives for each production, these two people take care of premières, cinema releases, festival entries, screenings for associations and in schools, finding distributors, publishing the DVD, producing educational support materials, etc.

This specialist work is one of the advantages of the CVB. It is one of the deciding factors for launching certain projects. So, support is the right word to use here too. Carried out for the whole lifecycle of a film, this distribution work starts as soon as production is underway, through meetings with the filmmakers or associations to prepare their encounters with the target audience, and continues with systematic updates on the distribution and promotion of the film throughout its life.

Auteur films produced in the documentary Production Workshop do not generally aim to fit in and comply with market expectations, thereby asserting their creative freedom and form. For these films, we are very careful to make sure that the filmmaker’s approach takes account of the spectator. Regardless of the subject matter, the film has to address the spectator in some way; the filmmaker has to want to include the spectator in the creative and production process. They need to be generous and able to share their personal and private thoughts. The ability to do that has nothing to do with market criteria based on the ‘expectations’ of an audience from such or such market sector. It actually consists of appealing to the spectator’s intelligence by experimenting and striving to establish a link between the filmmaker’s world and the life experience of spectators. That is why the directors need to make themselves as available as possible to attend screenings and meet the audience.

For the films made in the video workshops, this stage truly underlines to what extent workshop participants are carried by the work undertaken together to build a discourse. The participants take part in preparing the screening stage, which is awarded the human and financial resources to match the level of involvement and time given by people. It is often an extremely moving moment for everyone – participants, partner associations, people working for these associations and the audience.

The notion of ‘spectator’ is also a crucial part of creating a collective film in video workshops. The film naturally reflects the point of view of the group that made it, but spectators are on the receiving end: it is addressed to them. It is important to keep this in mind throughout the video-making process.

Recognised as a Continuing Education Association by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the CVB produces and directs educational films. These films respond to the needs expressed by partner associations to have ‘tool’ for working on the ground. Although the films are shaped by the needs of these primary users, they are thought-out and directed by the CVB to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Claudine Van O and Philippe Cotte are at your disposal to help you find what you need and make your distribution project a success – just get in touch with them!


With more than 300 films produced over 40 years, our catalogue of films is rich and varied. The films all have one thing in common: they are firmly anchored in a socially and politically engaged documentary film style. Find out more

Educational tools

The CVB produces and directs films that are EDUCATIONAL TOOLS designed with various associations. They come with tutor worksheets, which are available on our website. Find out more


Keep up with the latest CVB news from all four lines of action – create, distribute, explore, build – which reflect the work of a myriad of interrelated people. Find out more


Find out when and where you can see our productions and how you can participate in projects, contribute your thoughts and share our enthusiasm. Find out more


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Educational tools

The CVB produces and directs films that are EDUCATIONAL TOOLS designed with various associations. They come with tutor worksheets, which are available on our website.

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