Abandoned Land

Gilles Laurent

(2016 | 73')
In the evacuated zone around the nuclear plant of Fukushima, five years after the catastrophe, the village of Tomioka is still abandoned and empty of its five thousand inhabitants. A few rare individuals still live there, however, pacing a land burning with radiation.
Matsumura san, along with his old father, takes care of animals abandoned in the wake of the nuclear accident. He was the first and the only person to refuse the order to evacuate. In his own way, by turning his life into a symbol and a testimony, he is militating for a denuclearized world.
The Hangaïs, have decided to carry on farming their land. The Satos are gradually doing up their house with a view to moving back in. They are convinced that it will be possible to re-populate the area.
Yet the “decontamination” works in the zone seem pretty derisory and vain given the scale of the quake on both the human and environmental levels.
On this sick, abandoned land, the peaceful existence and rational irrationality of these few diehards reminds us that a patch of land is, in the final analysis, our strongest bond to the world.



Avec la participation de:
Naoto Matsumara, Yasutaka Matsumara , Shinichi Hangai, Toshiko Hangai, Tomotsu Sato, Toshiko Sato, Hiroko Aihara, Joe Moross, Jüngen Oberbäumer, Mariko Oberbäumer, Yayoe Sato, Kazuko Iga, Takako Yamada

Scénario et réalisation:
Gilles Laurent

Laurent Fénart

Nicolas Joly, Gilles Benardeau

Marie-Hélène Mora

Assistant montage:
Salvatore Fronio
Stagiaire montage:
Samira Mouzgy

Montage son:
Alexander Davidson

Interprète et coordination:
Shin Mizuguchi, Keisuke Yamamoto

Empire Digital, Rémi Gérard

Étalonnage et DCP:
Stempel, Laurent Fénart

Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles – CVB - Michel Steyaert

Producteur délégué:
Cyril Bibas

Assistante de production:
Jeanne Humbert

Administrateur de production:
Saidou Diallo

Promotion & diffusion:
Philippe Cotte, Claudine Van O

Responsables technique:
Benjamin Sion, Frédéric Leroy

Take Five - Grégory Zalcman
WIP – Wallonie Image Production - Pierre Duculot

Avec l'aide du Centre du Cinéma et de l'audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de la Loterie Nationale et de la Région wallonne. avec le soutien du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique en association avec Take Five Invest.

Awards and Festivals


FID - Marseille - France
FIFF - Namur - Belgique
KYOTO International Film Festival - japon
FIFA - Amiens - France - Prix Documentaire sur grand écran
RISC - Marseille - France - Grand prix 2016, catégorie moyens et longs métrages
IDFA - Amsterdam - Pays-Bas - Section Panorama

Prix 2016 Scam Audiovisuel : Hommage du Comité belge


Bobines sociales - Paris - France
One World - International Human Rights Documentary Film festival - Prague - Tchéquie
Terra Festival - Festival du film de l'environnement et du développement durable de Guadeloupe - Premier prix long métrage
Itinérances - Festival de Cinéma d'Alès- France
Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen - Tétouan - Maroc
Tripoli Film Festival - Liban
Ethnocineca - Vienne - Autriche
Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival Section Climate for change - Varsovie - Pologne
Nippon Connection Film Festival - Francfort - Allemagne
Freedom Film Network – Selangor - Malaysia
No Nukes Film Festival – Taipei – Taiwan
Matsalu Nature Film festival  – Lihula– Estonie
TIEFF - Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival - Taiwan
Festival des à côtés - Lyon - France
International Science Film Festival World of Knowledge - Saint-Peterbourg - Russie
Filmer à tout prix - Bruxelles - Belgique
Hugo Festival - Liège - Belgique
IX International Human Rights Documentary Film - Kurghizstan
Festival International Jean Rouch - Paris - France
Festival Interférences - Lyon - France

Nominé aux Magritte du Cinéma 2017 !


Festival dei Diritti Umani di Milano - Italie - Prix des Droits Humains
TIEFF – Tour screening 2018 – Taïwan
Triennale de Milan / Human Rights Festivals – Italie
Festival Tchernobyl – Tchéquie

DVD / VOD / Digital file


La terre abandonnée