Haunted by images of the factory in which he worked for 30 years, Marc Coton meets his former colleagues to find an answer to a question left open by the sudden closure of this industrial flagship: "Now that the factory has closed, what have we become?"
As a result of this introspective journey, Marc, who is now unemployed, is confronted as much with his past as with an inventory of the labour world in a once industrial city.
His quest is filled with the glimmers of everyday life, reunions, mysterious tools, zany brass bands, all elements that remind us of the strength of an intangible heritage.
Réalisation : Maxime Coton
Image : Miléna Trivier
Son : Maxime Coton, Quentin Jacques
Montage image : Maxime Coton, Mathieu Haessler
Montage son : Quentin Jacques
Étalonnage : Miléna Trivier
Musique : Tom Bourgeois
Mixage : Jonathan Vanneste
Assistanat réalisation : Maud Girault
Producteur délégué : Maxime Coton
Producteurs associés : Isabelle Christiaens, Pierre Duculot, Joël Curtz
Une production BRUITS asbl, en coproduction avec la RTBF (secteur documentaires), Wallonie Image Production, le Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles, avec l’aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de la Province de Hainaut.
- Press kit HERE